Garden Update #12

It's amazing how fast time slips by! Realizing that I haven't posted anything for two weeks now, I figured it was time to catch you up. There's been quite a few changes to the garden, so be sure to have a look!


The first major change to the garden was the layout. Seeing the tomato plants grow taller and lankier, I knew it was time for them to be moved. Using three garbage cans, I was able to create efficient and inexpensive stands for the planters to sit on. In their current position, the tomato plants receive full sunlight from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and partial sunlight during the morning hours of 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM.

With the tomatoes now occupying the right side of the patio, the other planters were shifted to the left. The peppers now receive a bit less sunlight, but I think they'll do just fine. In fact, the Purple Beauty bell pepper plant was really starting to droop during the afternoon sun, so a little more shade will probably do the plant some good.

On top of the layout changes, the beets and garlic were also harvested within the last week. Both crops were rather small, but still something to be proud of!

Since the beets were really starting to wilt during the heat of the day, I decided to harvest them. The roots are more like baby beets, but the  precious greens were a plenty!

I'll admit, the garlic could have gone longer and been allowed more
time to grow larger, but I was ready to pull them! I'm more
than happy with the baby cloves and can't wait to cook with them.
Herbs will be planted in the large container they were growing in. 

As exciting as the beet and garlic harvest was, I'm really getting pumped about the Alaskan Early shelling peas! Just when I thought that they'd suffer in the increased temperatures of summer, they went into full bloom. There's pea pods everywhere and the first harvest is coming very soon!

I'll finish this update off with a few more pictures from around the garden and some data for the recently observed weather! Check back soon for more updates and gardening tips!

Above: The strawberry plant wasn't doing so well, so I replaced
it with a Heinz Heirloom Tomato plant. To the right, you can
see a planter of dill and sweet basil!

Observed Temperatures - 

June 6 - 12

  • Average High: 86.7°F
  • Average Low: 54.7°F
June 13 - 19
  • Average High: 85.4°F
  • Average Low: 56.7°F